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SVCONTHEGO is a completely integrated field service management software. It optimized your accounting, back office, and mobile systems so your servicer enterprise can work more efficiently and achieve greater profitability.
To learn how to get the most out of your SVCONTHEGO system, continue reading this user manual.
After you have pulled data into your SVCONTHEGO software from your ERP system, you will be taken through the Setup Wizard. The Setup Wizard will walk you through the initial setup of the Financial, Equipment Tracking, Transactional items, and Operational Items that will be needed to allow you to begin utilizing your SVCONTHEGO system. Service optimization is key when you need to be able to schedule and complete multiple service calls in multiple locations in the same day. It allows for more jobs to be done in a day while lowering costs and increasing profitability. Productivity increases when less time is spend digging for customer date, having to make additional stops for parts, and invoicing completed jobs is automated. Customers as well as technicians love well-planned, fast services. Search and Manage The search feature is used to filter records. Customers - Search and edit customer records. Site Management - Search and edit site records. Jobs - Search and edit job records Equipment - Search and edit equipment records Company Reps - Search and edit company representatives, such as Salesperson, Account Managers, etc. Contacts - Search and edit Customer and Site contacts. Dispatch Unlimited customizable Call and Dispatch boards provide the ability to manage jobs. Customizations include Grid Format, Record Filters and Color Display, Filter by Chain, Customer, Priority, Salesperson, Servicer, Service Type, Status Code and Job Type. Call Central - Provides a list of jobs in a customizable grid format. Dispatch Boards - Provides a list of jobs by Month, Week or Day. Daily Call Center - 15 minute based Call Board with an 8 hour window. Board Maintenance - Customize the board's options and filters. Unlimited Work Orders - Work orders are used for work organization. Each job has one primary work order. More can be added later. Unlimited Dispatch Cards - Dispatch cards are grouped by work order and assigned to technicians, providing information on location and schedule date and time. Scheduling - Manage servicer time off using the Scheduling feature. Transactions and Billing Back Office Transaction Entry - Labor, Inventory or Purchase transactions Invoice jobs, agreements, planned billing and post deferred revenue transactions. Post invoices to ERP solutions. Batches/Search - Manage invoices with SOTG's Batch Management system. Schedule Planned Billing - Easily create Planned Schedules invoices. Deferred Revenue - The Deferred Revenue Register creates a general ledger register to post deferred revenues to an ERP system. Invoice Print - Print and email Invoices. Invoice Posting - Post invoices to an ERP system. Equipment Never lose track of equipment data or locations. Use the Equipment option to manage equipment data. Equipment - Search and edit equipment records Agreements The Agreements features are used to manage, bill and renew contractual arrangements with customers. Each agreement links to a single customer's accounts receivable record. Multiple sites can be covered by one agreement. Agreements can include Planned Maintenance Schedules for each site that can be used to create recurring jobs. Agreement Management - Search and edit agreements Agreement Schedule Planned Billing - Automated billing process Renewal Processing - Automated renewal process Deferred Revenue Processing - Automated deferred revenue posting Planned Maintenance The Planned Maintenance feature provide the ability to create recurring jobs. PM Schedules - Search and edit PM Schedule PM Processing - Automated job creation process PM Renewals - Automated renewal process Reports - Dashboard An unlimited number of service management reports can be generated from the SOTG reporting system. SOTG includes many predefined reports, which can be filtered by specifying the sort order and selection criteria. New Jobs Today - Reports jobs created today. New Sites MTD - Reports sites created starting the first day of the current month until the current date and time. Jobs in Progress - Reports jobs that are considered in progress based on Status Code settings. Workforce Performance - Reports servicer work performance data. Jobs MTD - Reports jobs created starting the first day of the current month until the current date and time.. New Agreements MTD - Reports agreements created starting the first day of the current month until the current date and time. Jobs not Dispatched - Reports jobs that have been created but not yet dispatched. Invoices MTD - Reports invoices created starting the first day of the current month until the current date and time. Reports - Back Office Service Job Transaction Detail - Provides a report of job transactions. Service Job Profitability - Provides a report on profitability by job. Service Job Work Order Profitability - Provides a report on profitability by job work order. Service Equipment Profitability - Provides a report on profitability by equipment. Service Tech Profitability - Provides a report on profitability by servicers. Agreement Transaction Detail - Provides a report on transactions by agreement. Agreement Profitability - Provides a report on profitability by agreement. Planned Maintenance Projections - Provides a list of materials required to satisfy job requirements. Planned Maintenance Transaction Detail Report - Provides a report of job transactions. Dispatch Card Print - Prints a copy of a Dispatch Card Equipment Used Where? - Provides an Equipment report by Job and Location. Equipment Warranty Transaction - Provides a report on transactions covered by an equipment warranty. Job Removal Log - Provides a list deleted jobs. Reports - Mobile Mobile Audit Report - Provides a detailed transaction list for the current servicer. Mobile Summary Report - Provides a summarized transaction list for the current servicer. Field Service Ticket - Prints a copy of the field service ticket. The field service ticket display a list of all transactions and can include the customer signature. Mobile The mobile module is used by technicians to view, edit and create job records in the field. Mobile Call Board - Provides a list of jobs in a customizable grid format. Mobile Job Interface - Used to interact with the job features listed below. Work Order View - View the work order attached to the selected dispatch card. Transaction Entry - Labor - Used to enter labor transactions using item search or custom quick buttons. Transaction Entry - Materials - Used to enter material's transactions using item search or custom quick buttons. Transaction Entry - Other - Used to enter other transactions using item search or custom quick buttons. Job Notes - Unlimited job notes can be added using the mobile job notes feature. Map - Provides a map of the job location. Upload - Upload job related files. Equipment - Used to view the work order equipment. Timer - The timer can be used to record labor transactions. Custom Forms - Unlimited custom forms for jobs, work orders or dispatch cards. Job Close - Used to collect a signature for the work and print a copy of the service ticket. Job Review - The optional job review feature provides the ability to review all dispatch card work before it is posted to the back office. Job Post - Used to post the dispatch transactions to the back office. Job Add - Jobs can be added in mobile. Global Change - Provides the ability to shift the schedule for selected jobs. Data Integration Used to import data into the software from various ERP systems as well as from an Excel spreadsheet. Software Update - Import data into the software. Data Import From Excel - Import data from an Excel spreadsheet. Data Review - Review imported data. Portals Portals - Customer, Site and Chain Portals.